SoftTrend is a fast-growing private company established in 2012, specialized in Software Licensing and IT services & solutions. Our great experience in the field of information technology helps us to serve our customers’ needs and requirements in the best way possible. We provide our clients with full solutions which include: Licensing, Software Solutions, IT Infrastructure Services, Information Security Virtualization including SaaS, IT Outsourcing and IT Consulting, RPA Automated solutions and Digital Transformation. Paying attention to Soft Trends can unlock enormous opportunity for you and your organization.
Soft Trending But the caveat is first recognizing the difference between Soft Trends and Hard Trends, which are future certainties. The simplest explanation is, if you have to think about it, it’s a Soft Trend. Hard trends are generally obvious at first glance. Moreover, it’s critical to separate soft trends that are driven by Soft Assumptions from those underscored by Hard Assumptions. Even though Soft Trends are never a future fact, they carry a far greater level of confidence when they are associated with Hard Assumptions. A Soft Trend with a Soft Assumption, on the other hand, could be much less of a sure thing. You can see that Soft Trends offer enormous opportunity if you know how to identify them and with what level of confidence you can use them to your advantage. So, with that in mind, what Soft Trends can you pinpoint that will impact you, your organization or your entire industry?
Soft Trending Want to know more about Soft Trends and Hard Assumptions? It’s all available in my new book